
Welcome to Dave’s Dojo. Curated by David Bilger, Principal Trumpet of the Philadelphia Orchestra, this is a place for professionals and pre-professionals to come to “spar,” to troubleshoot and perfect their craft, to get new ideas, to be challenged, to stay motivated, to float ideas, to present work, and to congregate with other professionals.

You Can

  • Prepare for an upcoming audition
  • Troubleshoot stubborn problems
  • Perfect/present your creative ideas/projects
  • Stay motivated to continue growing as a musician

Your Fee Helps Cover

  • 2 feedback videos per month from Dave
  • Monthly office hours and classes hosted by Dave
  • Access a community of professionals for feedback and support
  • Informal weekly check-ins and virtual “hangs”
  • Guest contributors and presenters

Cost and Commitment

  • $40/mo
  • Start any time, cancel any time*

*no pro-rated intervals are available, fee covers first day of the month through last day of the month